
10 days starts tomorrow!

Get excited! Tomorrow starts the first day of the first 10-days-of series. I'm going to start with the obvious..."1 - 10." This will turn into the top image for this blog. Most of the illustrations will be on a fairly small scale (3.5 x 5 or so) since I have other work that needs to get done. Feel free to forward on the site to anyone who might enjoy it, make comments, post pictures, whatever! (I feel like a kid on christmas eve!)


Matt Jones said...

I already have your first topic...

The velocity of snot as it exits your nose during mid sneeze! I always wanted to know that.

Draw it!

Anonymous said...

I feel like the sister of a kid on christmas eve who knows that tomorrow we get to sneak down the stairs and have suprise meet our eyes!

Mary said...

when you do artichokes - will you do one as an ark-tick-choke?


Andrew said...

american history.


Anonymous said...

I vote for funny little motels. In Kansas!!